galactian orientations system
coining and information page for the galactic orientations system!
the galactian orientations system is an orientations system created with non-binary individuals in mind to define their orientations without having to describe them with terms relating to the binary. not all non-binary individuals use the galactian orientations system, and you don't need to be non-binary or even trans to use the galactian orientations system.this is based on and designed to go along with the galactian alignments system, a gender system based around the theme of space and used to describe people's genders without the use of binary terms. you can learn more about it here. you don't need to use the galactian alignments system to also use the galactian orientations.the galactian orientations system was originally created as a rework of the galactic orientations system, an orientations system with the same purpose as the galactian orientations, but incomplete and disconnected. the galactian orientations are designed to fit more in line with the galactian alignments and be used more easily alongside it.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.
auroric is an orientation from the galactian orientations system. it refers to someone who is fluid between any number of orientations and is a form of abrorientation. these changes can be fluid or sudden.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

lunaric is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that describes people attracted to lunarians or otherwise female or feminine-aligned people.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

solaric is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that describes people attracted to solarians or otherwise male or masculine-aligned people.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

calypsic is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that describes people attracted to calypsians or otherwise androgynous or andorgyne-aligned people.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

stellaric is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that describes people attracted to stellarians or otherwise neutral or unaligned people.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

spacialic is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that describes people attracted to spacialians or otherwise xenine or xeno-aligned people.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

singularic is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that describes people attracted to singularian or otherwise people completely separated from the gender binary.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

voidric is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that describes people attracted to voidrian or otherwise kenochoric or kenic-aligned people.the term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

eclipsic is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that's a combination of lunaric and solaric. it can describe people attracted to lunarian, solarian, and eclipsian people, or otherwise male, female, masculine-aligned, and/or feminine-aligned peoplethe term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

nebularic is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that's a combination of lunaric and stellaric. it can describe people attracted to lunarian, stellarian, and nebularian people, or otherwise neutral, female, neutral-aligned, and/or feminine-aligned peoplethe term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.

cometic is an orientation from the galactian orientations system that's a combination of lunaric and spacialic. it can describe people attracted to lunarian, spacialic, and cometian people, or otherwise neutral, female, neutral-aligned, and/or feminine-aligned peoplethe term was coined by goldstargloww using this carrd on April 28, 2022.